YES! Mexico has fishing regulations. And we do our absolute best to abide by them. Here ya go:
Official Mexican Standard NOM-017-PESC-1994, to regulate fishing activities
recreational sport in the waters of federal jurisdiction of the United States
JULIA CARABIAS LILLO , Secretary of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries, with
basis in the provisions of articles 32 Bis fractions I, II, III, IV, V, XXXII and XXXIV of the
Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration, as well as the Eighth Transitory Decree
which reforms, adds and repeals various provisions of the aforementioned Legal Order, published
in the Official Gazette of the Federation on December 28, 1994; 1st, 2nd, 3rd. and else
relative of the Fisheries Law; 1st., 2nd. fraction XV and other relative of its Regulation; 1st., 2nd.
fraction XV, 3rd. fraction II, 3rd. fraction XI, 38 fraction II, 40 fractions I, X and XIII, 41, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 51, 52, 62, 63 and 64 of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization and
That in compliance with the provisions of section I of article 47 of the Federal Law
on Metrology and Standardization, on September 6, 1994 was published in the Official Gazette of
the Federation as a project of this Standard, in order that those interested in a
period of 90 calendar days will submit their comments to the National Advisory Committee of
Normalization of Responsible Fishing.
That during the term referred to in the previous recital, in accordance with
provided in article 45 of the legal system cited in the previous paragraph, were
public disposition the documents to which said precept refers.
That in accordance with the provisions of sections II and III of article 47 of the Federal Law on
Metrology and Standardization, the comments presented by the interested parties were analyzed
within the aforementioned Committee, making the appropriate modifications and published in the
Official Gazette of the Federation on February 10, 1995 responses to comments
received within the term of law.
That having complied with the procedure established in the Federal Law on
Metrology and Standardization for the preparation of Official Mexican Standards, the Committee
Consultative National Standardization of Responsible Fisheries, at a meeting held on 12
January 1995, approved the Official Mexican Standard NOM-017-PESC-1994 to regulate the
sports recreational fishing activities in the waters of federal jurisdiction of the States
United Mexicans, for which I have had the pleasure to issue the following:
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Objective and field of application.
Regulations for recreational sport fishing activities in the waters of
federal jurisdiction of the United Mexican States.
Degree of agreement with international standards and recommendations.
Observance of this Standard.
0. Introduction.
0.1 Recreational sport fishing is a category of fishing activity that is
practice for recreational purposes, which links the human being with nature,
particularly with fishery resources, so it is convenient to establish a
adequate regulation to promote and promote it in an orderly manner.
0.2 recreational sport fishing is currently a source of
income, which contributes significantly to the national economy, among other aspects
for its ability to raise foreign currency, generate employment and boost regional development and whose
benefits are spread to other activities with a multiplier effect in the tourism sectors,
fishing and industrial.
0.3 This activity supports its development in the exploitation of various species
fisheries likely to be exploited through the practice of sport fishing
recreational, of which marlin, sailfish, swordfish, dorado, roosterfish and shad
are destined exclusively for this activity, within a coastal strip of 50
nautical miles, counted from the baseline from which the Territorial Sea is measured and
whose capture requires regulation to sustain the broad perspectives of sport fishing
0.4 For the promotion of recreational sport fishing, it is necessary to establish standards and
measures that form a framework of action for those who practice it and for whom
concur in it as service providers.
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1. Objective and field of application.
1.1 This Standard establishes the terms and conditions for the proper use
and conservation of aquatic fauna species, through sport fishing activities
2. References.
This Standard is complemented by the following legal provisions:
2.1 Official Mexican Standard NOM-009-PESC-1993, which establishes the procedure for
determine the seasons and closed areas for the capture of different species of flora and
aquatic fauna, in waters of federal jurisdiction of the United Mexican States published in
the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 4, 1994.
2.2 Notice announcing the establishment of closed seasons and zones for
fishing of different species of aquatic fauna, in waters of federal jurisdiction of the
United States of Mexico, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 16,
3. Definitions .
3.1 For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions are established:
3.1.1 By catch, it is understood a process that includes, from the moment in which the
fish "pica" (seizes the bait or lure) and the fisherman "nails", pulls the line and brings the
prey to the position of being hooked and held.
3.1.2 Fishing rod or rod, is a pole or lever with line and hook, used to
pull the fish, once it itches.
3.1.3 Line or fishing line, is the filament that joins the rod, or the fisherman (if the line
is "hand-held") with the hook.
3.1.4 The service provider is understood as the natural or legal person who provides
or contracts with the sport fisherman the services related to the practice of the activity
that this Official Mexican Standard refers to.
3.1.5 Reel or reel, is the winding reel of the main line, composed of a
drum and a handle that make up a unit that can be integrated into the fishing rod.
4. regulation for recreational sport fishing activities in the waters of
federal jurisdiction of the United Mexican States.
4.1 Recreational sport fishing is considered, which is practiced for the purpose of
recreation, with the fishing gear and characteristics previously authorized by the
Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries.
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4.2 Recreational sports fishing may only be practiced on fish, leaving
prohibited the capture of crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
4.3 Recreational sport fishing may be carried out:
4.3.1 From the ground;
4.3.2 On board any vessel; Y
4.3.3 Underwater.
4.4 The practice of this activity from land, will not require permission; but they should
perform it respecting the provisions of minimum sizes, closures, catch limits and using
only the arts authorized by this Standard and the other applicable provisions.
4.5 The practice of underwater sport fishing will only be allowed by diving
4.6 The practice of recreational sport fishing should adhere to the following
4.6.1 Only one rod or one line or one hand line may be used with
hook, bait or lure, for each sport fisherman.
To catch deep-sea fish and to obtain live bait only
You can use a single rod or hand line with up to 4 hooks in a vertical line per
sport fisherman; being prohibited the use of "robador" "grampin" or "hook of multiple
Additionally, nets of hand of spoon, hooks and fisgas can be used,
exclusively as auxiliary equipment to ensure the retention of the fish caught.
4.6.2 The resistance of the line or line may not be greater than 60 kilograms (130 pounds).
4.6.3 Underwater fishing may only be practiced with only one garter or spring harpoon per
sport fisherman, being prohibited the use of hooks and fisgas;
4.6.4 Reels of electrical operation may be used exclusively by
people with disabilities; Y
4.6.5 The use of bait in marine waters may only be of fishing origin,
live bait can be used for the capture of the first two specimens in each day
daily, after which only dead, fresh or dead bait may be used
Without prejudice to the above, they may take with them on board the boats, rods
or spare hand lines, reels, lures made of synthetic material, bird feathers and
metal spoons, swiveling hooks, steel wire to tie, cutting tongs,
knives, mallet to shorten the sacrifice and bait in the necessary quantities.
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4.6.6 Live specimens of any species may not be thrown into the sea for any reason
of aquatic fauna as food to attract the target species of sport fishing, to
way of "bait", without being previously caught on a hook, as a practice of
"priming" of fishing areas; procedure that; can only be authorized to favor
the celebration and development of tournaments.
4.7 The practice of recreational sport fishing is subject to the following limits
Maximum of capture:
4.7.1 Ten daily specimens per fisherman, with the following composition per species:
No more than five of the same species.
When it comes to marlin, sailfish, swordfish and shark, the maximum limit per fisherman
and day will be a single copy of any of these species, which will be equivalent to five
specimens of other species.
In the case of shad, dorado or roosterfish, the maximum limit shall be two copies of
any of those species, which will also be equivalent to five other organisms
4.7.2 In the case of freshwater species, the maximum permissible limit shall be five
copies per fisherman per day.
4.8 In sports recreational fishing activities with boats whose trips have
a duration of more than three days, the maximum cumulative number of copies that may be
captured by a recreational fisherman, will be the equivalent of three fishing days in accordance with
quotas established in point 4.7 of this Standard.
4.9 Underwater fishing will have a maximum catch limit of five copies of
any species of marine or freshwater fish per fisherman and day.
4.10 The quotas indicated in the preceding paragraphs determine the number of
specimens that each sport fisherman may retain, without prejudice to the fact that he
greater number of copies provided that the organisms that exceed said quotas,
are returned to their natural environment in good conditions of survival ("capture and
4.11 The practice of recreational sport fishing is subject to sizes and weights
minimum catch per species and area, established by the Ministry of Environment,
Natural Resources and Fishing based on the scientific investigations that are carried out,
Measures that will be notified by notices that will be published in the Official Gazette of the
Federation .
4.12 Recreational sport fishing may not be carried out:
a) In closed seasons and seasons.
b) Less than 250 meters away from boats dedicated to commercial fishing, gear
of fixed or floating fishing.
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c) Less than 250 meters from the shore of beaches frequented by bathers.
In areas of refuge, reserve and protected natural areas, this activity is only
will allow in the terms and conditions that establish the legal ordinances applicable in
said area, as well as the express authorization of the Ministry of the Environment, Resources
Natural and Fishing, and other competent authorities.
4.13 The specimens retained in accordance with the quotas established, will be the property of the
holder of the sport fishing permit and may be used for their consumption and that of their relatives or
for assembly in taxidermy and generalized consumption in cases, terms and conditions
determined by the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries.
4.14 Organisms caught under recreational sports fishing permits,
they can not be filleted on board the boats used.
4.15 Service providers must carry on board the permits of the
boat and of the sport fishermen, as well as the logbook and to settle the
data that is requested in it.
4.16 Providers of sports fishing services, who operate vessels with
outboard motor and those propelled to rowing, they will not be obliged to take the logs to
board, but must register the data requested.
4.17 Sports fishermen and service providers for sport fishing
recreational, are required to:
4.17.1 Obtain the corresponding fishing permit and cover, previously, the rights
establishing the respective legislation for the practice of sport fishing, with the exception of
who do not require a permit according to the Fisheries Law, its Regulations and this Standard;
4.17.2 Bring with him during the development of his sport fishing activities, the
corresponding permit and show it to the competent authorities as many times as possible.
4.17.3 Allow and facilitate, to the personnel accredited by the competent authorities, the
inspection carried out in compliance with the formalities stipulated in the applicable laws,
to verify compliance with its obligations;
4.17.4 Admit on board their vessels the observer designated by the Secretariat of
Environment, Natural Resources and Fishing.
4.18 Collaborate with the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries in
the work you do for the reproduction, cultivation and repopulation of the fishing species
own for recreational sport fishing, in the form and terms that are agreed.
4.19 The Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries will promote and
authorize the realization of national and international sport fishing tournaments, in waters
of federal jurisdiction.
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4.19.1 Authorization to hold recreational sports fishing tournaments,
will subject to: Request in writing the completion of the tournament, establishing the data of the
responsible for the organization of the event; Present the bases of the tournament for its review and approval. These bases do not
may contravene the provisions of the Fisheries Law, its Regulations, this Standard and others
applicable provisions.
4.19.2 The times of attention to requests for authorization to hold
sports-recreational fishing tournaments, shall comply with the provisions of articles 24 and 25 of the
Chapter V of the Regulations of the Fisheries Law.
4.19.3 The tournament organizer must present the Secretary of the Environment,
Natural Resources and Fisheries, a report of the results of the event.
4.20 Those who carry out recreational sport fishing activities, under no circumstances may
perform the following acts:
4.20.1 Operate simultaneously, more than one cane or hand line;
4.20.2 Use of multiple hooks, lines, nets, explosives and
toxic substances, as well as transporting them in fishing vessels
4.20.3 Altering or destroying reefs; Y
4.20.4 Transport copies in quantities greater than those permitted by this Standard.
4.21 The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries will provide the
logbooks for recreational sport fishing, having to be returned monthly to said
Dependency the log sheets that are used within the aforementioned term.
4.22 Managers or service providers should anchor or fix at a distance
minimum 15 meters from the perimeter line of the coral reefs and not fix or anchor
under no circumstances in it.
5. Degree of agreement with international standards and recommendations.
There are international norms and recommendations in the field of sport fishing
that are equivalent or compatible with those indicated in this Standard.
6. Bibliography.
6.1 Agreement establishing a regulation scheme for sport fishing
recreational, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 7, 1991.
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6.2 Agreement that reforms the one that establishes a Regulation Scheme for the
Sports Recreational fishing, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 19,
6.3 Rules of the International Sport Fishing Association (International Game Fish
7.1 The monitoring of compliance with this Standard corresponds to the Secretariats
of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries and of the Navy, whose staff will carry out
Inspection and surveillance works that are necessary; the violations to it
will be sanctioned under the terms of the Fisheries Law and its Regulations.
7.2 This Standard shall enter into force on the next day of its publication in the Journal
Official of the Federation .
Mexico City, February 13, 1995.- The Secretary of the Environment, Resources
Natural and Fishing .- Julia Carabias Lillo .- Rubric